
Bahan Farmasi

Factory Bulk Supply Levamisole Hydrochloride CAS 16595-80-5

Factory Bulk Supply Levamisole Hydrochloride CAS 16595-80-5

Levamisole is an antihelminthic drug that was commonly used for the treatment of parasitic, viral, and bacterial infections

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    Levamisole Hydrochloride



Levamisole, an antihelminthic agent with a wide range of immunomodulatory actions, has been used successfully as monotherapy for a variety of skin diseases.



Test Items Specifications Results
Appearance White or almost white crystalline powder Almostwhite crystalline powder.
  Freely soluble in water;soluble Complies
Solubility in ethanol  
  (96 percent);slightly soluble in methylene chloride  
 IR    Complies
Complies with reference spectrum of
levamisole hydrochloride CRS
Chemicalidentification(Chlori de) Positive Positive
(HPLC)Related Substances(HPLC)
Total Impurities ≤0.3% 0.00%
Individual Specified
Impurity A ≤0.2% Less than 0.05%
Impurity B ≤0.2% Less than 0.05%
Impurity C ≤0.2% Less than 0.05%
ImpurityD ≤0.2% Less than 0.05%
Impurity E ≤0.2% Less than 0.05%
Individualunspecified impurities ≤0.1% Less than 0.05%
Apperance of solution Clear,not more intenselycolored than reference  solution  Y.  
Loss on Drying ≤0.5% 0.07%
ulphated Ash ≤0.1% 0.05%
Specific optical  rotation -121.0°~-128.0° -122.1°
pH value 3.0-4.5 4.2
Assay (Dried substance) 98.5%-101.0% 100.40%
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